Sarcoma/Bone (Musculoskeletal tumors)

Soft tissues usually refer to muscle, fat, nerves, tendons, and vessels of the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Tumors of soft tissue and bone can be benign or cancerous (called sarcoma). Sarcomas are more commonly seen in children than adults. People with sarcoma may notice a painless lump in soft tissue or a painful bone enlargement as their first sign.

Many people don’t realize they have soft tissue sarcoma until an unrelated injury brings their attention to that portion of their body. Sarcoma can arise in any part of the body, the most common being in limbs. These tumors have the tendency to recur and spread to the lungs.

Common Types of Tumors
Tissue (Soft):
Sarcoma Diagnosis and Staging

It’s possible that not all soft tissue and bone tumors are malignant. Horizon Cancer Care performs minimally invasive biopsies and uses cutting-edge diagnostic imaging and procedures to identify sarcoma (MRI/CT/PET). Our pathology service fulfils international standards and is capable of diagnosing even the most unusual disorders, which is critical for sarcoma treatment

Sarcoma Specialty Care Services

Sarcoma Surgery: Surgery is the most common treatment for soft tissue and bone malignancies. The success of treatment depends on the quality of surgical clearance. One needs to have extensive knowledge of anatomy and reconstructive methods.

With over two decades of experience, Horizon Cancer Care makes every effort to remove these tumors with the best outcomes and least morbidity. Our tissue reconstructive methods will provide the best cosmetic outcome with good functional preservation.

Our sarcoma surgeries include

Radiation treatment after surgery helps to reduce future recurrences in larger high-grade sarcomas. To improve the outcome, Horizon cancer care is associated with the latest radiation technologies such as a) EBRT & b) Brachytherapy with a High-Dose Rate (HDR) which reduces harm to healthy tissue and allows for a higher dose of radiation than other approaches, making treatment more effective.

We offer latest pre operative chemotherapy regimen for osteosarcoma & Ewing’s sarcoma.